Smoked Watermelon, BBQ Cola Cucumber and Yuzu Courgettes

Who said salads need to be boring? Step up Smoked Watermelon, BBQ Cola Cucumber and Yuzu Courgettes…flavour packed, beautiful and definitely not your average salad! James Martin



Smoked Watermelon

  • 1 slice watermelon
  • 4 tbsp tomato consommé
  • 1 tsp sherry vinegar
  • Edible flowers

Yuzu Courgettes

  • 1 green courgette, cut out with a melon baller
  • 1 yellow courgette, cut out with a melon baller
  • 25g butter
  • 1 tsp yuzu
  • Few sprigs of thyme

Cola Cucumber

  • 1 cucumber, peeled
  • 1 can Coca-Cola


Smoked Watermelon

  • Cut the watermelon in circles and place into a bowl covered in clingfilm.
  • Light a smoker and fill the bowl with smoke. Cover tightly and leave to one side for 30 minutes.
  • Mix the tomato consommé and vinegar together.
  • Place the smoked watermelon into bowls, spoon over the sauce and top with flowers.

Yuzu courgettes

  • Cook the courgettes in a little water and the thyme. Once softened, drain off the water and set the courgettes aside.
  • Place the butter in the pan to melt and then return the courgettes to the pan with the yuzu. Warm through and serve.

Cola cucumber

  • Chop the cucumber into 3 pieces and place in a bowl. Cover in the cola and then pop in the fridge overnight.
  • Heat a BBQ until hot and the coals have turned white.
  • Cut the cucumbers in halves lengthways and place onto the BBQ rack. Cook until charred, slice and serve.

To assemble the recipes into a Greek salad

  • Place 1 slice of smoked watermelon in a bowl, top with crumbled feta, sliced black olives, oregano leaves and flowers. Spoon across a spoon of tomato consommé and finish with diced cola cucumber pieces.