Smoked Haddock Welsh Rarebit

This Smoked Haddock Welsh Rarebit recipe is inspired by the late, great, Gary Rhodes and his love of brilliant local ingredients. It’s a simple but outstanding dish. The rarebit keeps in the fridge brilliantly for around a week too and can be used on toast!

James Martin

(Originally from


  • 2 egg yolks
  • 150g creme fraiche
  • 1 teaspoon english mustard powder
  • 100g grated (uncoloured) cheddar cheese
  • salt & pepper
  • tabasco sauce
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • dash of milk (or beer!)
  • worcestershire sauce
  • 25g butter

Make roux with butter and flour – add milk/beer (basically – make a white sauce).

Add eggs and everything else.

Set aside to cool.


  • Poach pre-smoked haddock fillets in milk
    • If you want, you can use this milk for the rarebit
  • Take out the fish, and cover with the rarebit
  • Grill in the oven

Serve on sliced, deskinned tomatoes with chives and olive oil.