Foie Gras Terrine


  • 1 whole duck foie gras lobe(s)
  • 7g fine salt
  • 1g fresh ground black pepper
  • 1g chinese five spice (optional)
  • 30ml white port (optional)
    • or cognac or armagnac
  • 200ml semi skimmed milk
  • 200ml water


Remove foie gras from fridge at least 2 hours before deveining at room temperature. During this time soak in a mixture of milk and water. Split in 2 and devein, then separate into lobes.

Rub seasoning into lobes, sprinkle with port and marinade overnight (optional).

Press foie gras into terrine mould. Cook in bain-marie at 140°C until internal temperature reaches 48°C – 50°C.

Remove from oven and allow to cool to room temperature. Skim off the fat and keep.

Refrigerate terrine overnight with a weight on top.

Remove weight, melt the fat and pour over terrine. Allow to set in fridge.

Serve sliced with toasted brioche.